i'm falling behind on this here ole blog. actually, i'm falling behind on life in general.
i have many things to say.. i just do not have the time at the moment.
here are some highlights .. i'll elaborate later----
- it is midnight. i got home from job numero dos at 11pm. being the procrastinator i am, i finished two papers before the midnight mark. because naturally, they were due at midnight.
- i'm constantly exhausted. i am having a hard time keeping my eyes open during the day.
- after contemplating red bull, 5 hour energy, i'm still at a loss. i find myself drinking about 5 cokes a day.. and all of the brown mess is starting to make me feel like a slug.
- most importantly, i forgot to mention that little dude's fever wouldn't go away after six days so.. he was hospitalized at a nearby children's hospital. this warranted 6 days absent from school. no worries, all i well now.
- we gave away one of the puppies so far.
- i got to speak with a child life specialist after said hospital stay. it was enlightening.. and one step closer to being in the profession i want to be in.
- my mom has strep. i have.. something. bronchitis? i don't know.
- kid is good.
- i miss my grandpa and mention him in my school papers all of the time.
- i love my uncle john and everything he does for my little fam.
- i need new shoes for dude. he outgrew his sandals.. in 3 months. major outgrew.
- we started to take on learning our letters and the sounds they make.
- i'm itching for new art projects. i've been feeling so creative.
- one of my dearest friends, abby wilson, had invasive surgery today to extract some tumors from her lungs. i've been in prayer all day. won't you do the same?
.... ummmmm
yes . more soon.