Sunday, April 28, 2013

be intentional.

i was thinking yesterday about how differently parenting has become since having a cell phone became a necessity. i remember when i was growing up and  my mom's friend would call. i would get so disappointed because i knew that meant my mom would be on the phone for an hour.. at least.  it seemed like an eternity back then; her sitting in her chair.. talking.. and not paying attention to us. i grew resentment for her friend, "julie" (as it appeared on caller id).

now i think about the average usage of my cell phone activity. true, i don't actually talk on the phone much.. but i do check facebook, emails, pinterest (isn't that a time-sucker??), etc. i rarely even text these days.. but the amount of time i am scrolling through tmz or searching for random crap,  i could be giving my little dude my undivided attention.

i have always been proud of how well my main squeeze plays by himself. he's a true "only child" in that respect. he's happy to get his mario dolls and make them fight and have conversations. he's always been independent. but have i made him that way by making him second priority to my friend's status updates? although a bitter pill to swallow, i could answer that with a  "probably". how unfortunate.

i remember him being born-- fresh and asian-looking-- like it was yesterday. he will be SIX next month. this is time i will never get back. it goes by so fast. too fast.  i wonder what he will think when he looks back on his childhood. what he'll think of me. will he remember that i was glued to my phone while he repeated what he wanted to say multiple times to get my attention? will he remember that i answered his questions or commented on his stories with vague "oh cool"'s? barely there?

i need to be more intentional. i know that kids are tiring. i would rather read facebook than play. playing is not fun to me. it's annoying. . and really boring. but if it's what luke wants to do, why not suck it up? put down the phone.. and be intentional with my time. show him that he's my world (like i feel that he is my world). show him how much i really, genuinely love him. how i really am interested in what he has to say.

so here's to unplugging once in a while. and by one in a while, keeping my phone handy but reserving a time when luke is asleep to catch up on the "gossip" that has become the everyday world.  he's only my little dude for so long. one day he'll be someone else's dude. i need to show him his first love; his mom.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

alone time.

i did something for myself:

i went out of my comfort zone and went to a braves game...... alone.

on a whim.
five seats to the left of me were empty. three seats to the right.

and guess what?

i had a blast. 

PICTURE HEAVY. a recap of april so far.

still interning. i did the reskin of (check it out! it's live)  started school. only part time (two classes). did this because i'm hoping for a permanent job this quarter as it will be my last! woot. woohoo? etc. kid is great. and smart. and funny. good grief, that kid is funny. allergies are kicking my really severe. to the point of my eye swelling nearly shut. puffs with vicks infused are kind of amazing. tried bubble tea. i liked one flavor but what i really love are the macaroons they sell next to it. my new obsession. my childhood bfflzzz, kimberly, has been living across the hall from me this whole time. how freaking weird is that? so we've hung out a few times.. it's like a decade hadn't passed us by.

i promised my little dude some mario eggs. 
since they don't have that kit in stores, i freehanded some.
he was happy. therefore, i was happy.

my love and i. he loves me. like. a lot.

his cute face on easter. where did my 6lb baby go?

the easter bunny really loved dude.

easter egg hunt in granny's backyard.
no, the collared shirt did not last long.

one of the three egg hunts we did.
rockin' his nashville shirt i got him.

after that egg hunt, we ventured off on a nature trail.
it was just us two. my phone was dead and the sun was setting.
i almost freaked out about getting lost.
i remembered that he and i were the only ones
and we had a long talk.
it was perfect.

because i like taking pictures of my shoes.
almost as much as i love shoes.
cute new sandals!

originally i had off the same week as luke for spring break.
well, i took an internship so i had to work.
luckily i was able to take off fri-sun with him.
mi familia met up with me in atlanta.
we went to the coke museum and the zoo.
we had tickets to see the braves 
*and side note- holy crap we are good this year!!!*
but it rained and was super cold so we didn't go.

my frand, kimberly. 
middle school, represent!
haha. but really.. having her across the hall is pretty amazing.
what a small world.

it was also national siblings day a few days ago.
in this shot, we have a cute little rachael almost giving a nip slip
holding her dear little bro, caleb for the first time.
i really do miss that boy.

seriously.. if you've never tried a macaroon, DO IT.

he's the best thing that's ever happened to this world.

my little batman and i went to the dogwood festival 
this past weekend and had a blast. we thought it had to 
do with the trees .. but it was more of a celebration of dogs.